There is an organization called Honey Bee Gives Back. you can find them on FaceBook. They Angels up with children (honey bees) who have a terminal illness. i contacted them last night and Alex was paired with an Angel this morning. and an Angel she is. they send these very special kids letters, cards, and care packages. they don't have to do this, they volunteer to do this. they are just as special as the kids they "adopt". Alex's care package should arrive next week and i will keep you guys posted as to how it goes. i knew there were people like Make-a-Wish, and to get approved for a MAW trip was amazing enough.... but this is just wow. when we found out what Alex had and that his little life was on a delicate string, all i could think about was all the things he was gonna miss. but there are people out there that make it their goal in life to make sure these kids don't miss a thing. this is just wonderful. :)
later y'all
and Blessed Be
Thank you, Angel Alisha!