i want to write, but i don't know what to say. just all the crap happening. the biggest thing right now is the drama with my ex. i don't even know if i should be blogging about it. i have to think though, who is gonna see it lol... except those people that really care. after the day i've had, all i can say is wow, just wow. i just want to vent, without being judged or criticized. i'm not a bad person, i swear. i've done the best that i could do as a parent, i've tried to make the best decisions that i could for my kids considering the circumstances. but to be told that i never wanted my oldest son, to be told that i was a bad mother... that is enough to crush someone. yes, i will admit that i have a very low opinion of my ex, and my daughter and i have discussed our feelings about her dad, but damn. i mean, really?
so i talk ed to my ex this morning and we got into an argument over the kids. he is willing to bring lena back to me, but because i don't love lil walt and am an unfit mother, he will not let me have lil walt back. i don't understand. and before anybody asks, no i am not going to take this sitting down. but i don't want to go into details right now. saving the suspense for later lol... i missed my evening class today because i was so upset. anyway, i go get lena in the morning. she's really upset right now because of the crap going on with me and her dad.
getting sleepy, long day tomorrow... i'll have a surprise for everyone tomorrow evening :)
Blessed Be
That is insane. I would not know what to do. I would probably chew someone out if they said anything disrespectful to me, ESPECIALLY of that manner.