Friday, April 13, 2012


its been a long time since i've sat down and written about life. so many things going on these days. school, Lil Alex, Damien (now retired), and the family in general. i will be posting a lot about Alex, some about Damien and his adjustment to retirement. there may be things here that bother or upset some, and for that i apologize, but my life is complicated. there will be some re-posting of some older blogs transferred from an old site, things that i think others can still use and enjoy. there will be stories, poetry, and memories. behind the screen, you can be assured that i am laughing, crying, smiling, or simply having a sad time of it. what started me on this renewed journey into posting is my creative writing class. the professor encourages us to write, usually random thoughts, in a journal everyday. but my thoughts are far from random. but i don't want my thoughts to hide in a notebook. i want to share them, they may give others hope, joy, or a sense that they are not alone. comments are welcome, the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly. but i will not tolerate bullying, putting others or myself down, or just plain being rude. constructive criticism, please. well, i will keep this short, its time for class, but will start posting tonight or this weekend. happy reading and Blessed Be to all.


  1. I am looking forward to reading your blog.

  2. Looking forward to reading it to! and what a wonderful way to give back to others and give others hope!
